Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Early New Year!

So Christmas has come and gone and I'm debating whether to take down my tree or not.  I had my tree up for over a month this year, but somehow I don't feel ready to say goodbye!  Maybe I just love Christmas too much.  ;)
Today and tomorrow we are busy prepping for our trip to LA.  I probably won't be able to post until we get back, so I just want to wish everyone a happy (and safe) new year!! :)


  1. Happy early new year to you too!

    Why did you remove the previous post?

  2. Happy new year! How's the dohl prep going? The only thing i've booked was the venue (going to be at the community center near my house). I've been bad about posting on xanga, but maybe I'll follow in your footsteps and just create a blog too! P.S. This is graciegrace2000 :D

  3. grace, dohl prep hasn't started! LOL!! I know i got an early start but somehow I knew this would happen. I think I'll sit down this week and really plan everything out that I need to do and start executing them. Yes, come join us on blogger!! ^^
