Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Corporate Gifts

Every year around Christmastime, we get a lot of corporate gifts from our vendors.  Most of the stuff we appreciate (like the 10 lb. salami hubby went to town with, no lie, it was his happy day), some things I think it'd have been better for them had they not sent anything at all. 

Here are a few of the things we got this year.

First, the "wtf" gift.  I'm by no means an ungrateful person but this one is really pretty crappy.  Seriously. It looks so bleh and tastes like PEE!! lol!! The label says it's chocolate, but it's NOT chocolate!  It's like some almondy-toffee wannabe sugar candy inside and the outside is supposed to be seashell shapes... which they do not look like.  I wouldn't even buy this for my mailman.. I don't know what they are thinking. Terrible corporate gift.  No, terrible gift. Period.

This next one is super nice!  It's not quite my style, but still, very very nice teacup set.  I feel like I'm part of the royal family drinking from this ;)

They also sent this tea set, which we are clueless about since the only English written on it is "China Tea".  There's no directions, no nothing.  We're enlisting the help of our good Taiwanese and Chinese friends to help us brew this tea.

This is the best one we get every year!  One vendor always sends us goodies from Omaha Steaks for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but this year they outdid themselves.  They just sent over sooo much food I could barely fit it all in my fridge, but I think I may just have a small fridge.

It comes packed so well in this styrofoam icebox with dry ice inside.

The list of what's inside... Tons of food!  There's 22 servings of some meat and seafood main dish alone. I don't know how we're gonna eat all this, we don't eat much meat these days.  But their lasagna is SOOO good!! I was hoping they sent us these caramel apple mini pie thingies (i don't know the real name lol) which were TO DIE FOR, I ended up driving to Omaha Steaks to buy more!  But this year they sent cheesecake instead, which are pretty yummy too, but nothing compared to the apple thingies!! ^^


  1. The tea set is pretty nice. Gotta agree with you on the chocolate and man, the husband would love the omaha steaks!

  2. OM NOM NOM Omaha Steaks! What a jackpot!

  3. This blog is nice blog to know more about the Corporate Gifts visit at Corporate Gifts

  4. Great article about promotional products I really like your blog very much. It is also very helpful and important to find someone who has a lot of product knowledge.

  5. Really Great Article. Nice gifts Ideas i like it very much.

  6. After reading this site I got lot of information about Corporate Gifts . This site is very informative for us.

  7. wow! You got some fabulous corporate gifts and promotional products. I like the tea cup set very much. I envy you.
