Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Computer troubles

My laptop broke on me some time last week! I have a Sony Vaio that I bought at the end of 2009, had it for a little less than 1 yr and 2 months and it just died on me!  I was so bummed because I'm no longer covered by warranty and come on~ it's only been a year since I've had this!  The problem with it was that it just would not turn on at all even with the charger plugged in.  It wouldn't even detect that the charger was plugged in, a little light usually comes on when you plug in the charger.  My husband took out the battery and tried to turn the computer on again with just the charger powering the laptop, but still nothing.  Since all of my son's pictures are on my laptop, NOT backed up (stupid stupid!), I totally panicked but my husband told me it's not the harddrive, it's the motherboard that's dead.  So he took my harddrive out (don't worry, he knows what he's doing ^^) and backed up all of my data, put the laptop back together, and we found a place that does motherboard repairs, dropped it off, only to find out that they don't know what the heck they are doing.  THey just kept telling us that my harddrive is about to fail (WRONG!) and that it's $180 to get a new harddrive and $230 including harddrive data backup. So anyway, even I could tell that they had no idea what the heck is wrong with my computer, so I just picked it up, wasted $20 on their diagnostic fee, brought it home, and my friend told me to try replacing my CMOS battery because maybe the little batter that powers the motherboard died.  And he was SOOOOOOOOOOo right!!!  As soon as we replaced the CMOS battery, my computer came back to life!! yay!!

Anyway,  now that my computer is back up and running, I'll hopefully get to post about my DIY projects I'm working on.  ;)

As for the damn photobooks, I'm DONE!!!!!! ^___^  You don't know how happy this makes me!  I was so stressed about having to make 4 books in such a short amount of time, but I finally got it done!  I already received 3 of the books, placing the order tonight for the last one and once that comes in, I'll do a review on blurb photo books.  I know I did one way back in 2007 when I made a small wedding album thing for my bridal party with all of their pictures in it, but I think I have more of an experience now to write a better review.  Plus, I ordered them with premium paper and want to touch upon the difference between their "matte" and "lustre" finish and which I prefer. 

Hope everyone is well! :)


  1. hi susan! i'm trying to finish up my photobook too. i seriously don't know how you made 4!!! i haven't even finished my first one and don't think i'll have time to do the second. do you know if you need to submit today, before 2/10 or can you submit on 2/10 too? how much was shipping & tax? i wanted to try the premium paper too but my book is already over 160pgs. :(
    on another note, sucks about your laptop, but at least everything worked out and it works again AND your pics are now backed up! oh, and btw, this is emiclaire from xanga. :)

  2. @emiclaire- you can still upload your book on 2/10. You need to place your order before midnight though (before 2/11) for the coupon to still work. I did the full 160 pages on premium matte paper and with shipping and tax it came out to $123-ish, used the coupon and ended up paying about $63 (technically $83 since I did pay 20 bucks for the coupon! hehe) i hope u get the book uploaded in time!! (btw, with the 160 pages with lots of pics, it took over 3 hours to upload, so take that into consideration, i think it'll take you longer if you have more pages!)
