Sunday, January 30, 2011


I know I am really bad about doing monthly updates to the point where they are pretty much non-existent LOL but I thought I'd do a 10-month update since it just popped up in my head! :)

I just can't believe how much J's grown.  I really miss having a baby around and at times I even miss the days when J wasn't mobile because I had more freedom back then!  If I put him down somewhere, I knew he'd be there when I came back from a pee break, but now, often times I find myself going from room to room looking for him. 

He's been standing on his own for a couple of weeks now, he stands every chance he gets!  His stance is still quite wobbly, he usually can't last in the standing position for more than 10-15 seconds unsupported, but it's so fun to see him try to last longer.

Some of the things he does often are... flash a goofy grin at complete strangers who take notice of him, get cranky only when he's hungry (that's how I know it's time for a feeding!), eat up a storm!!, whine when he finishes he meal because he wants more, bite EVERYTHING (including me!! he bites me EVERYWHERE!!!).

He can also say "umma" (mom) and we think he knows what it means because he'll say it when he sees me and he'll repeat it over and over again as he whines and crawls, following me around when he's hungry. 

He's also quite a girl-group fan LOL!!  At the end of the Korean shows, they play music videos and everytime a girl's voice comes on, he is totally zoned out watching the girls sing and dance.  He doesn't always watch when a male singer's music video comes on, but he always watches the female artists'. 

J's finally actually started watching Pororo.  Before he didn't care for it and I was the one watching it all the time, but now if I turn it on, he'll sit there and watch it.  He probably doesn't know what's going on, though.

J's definitely becoming more and more independent everyday.  He plays soooo well by himself for hours!!  He loves exploring the house, opening and closing doors, pulling DVDs off the bookshelf, and generally just playing with his toys in his play yard.  He goes from one toy to the next and won't even look at me if I try to play with him or do something a little more interactive with him. 

He's growing up so fast, it makes me a little sad!! But I know he's becoming a more wonderful version of himself every day; I'm definitely looking forward to his next milestones.


  1. Aww... J is SUPER cute! I have a hard time taking pics and posting them of Noah. *sigh* How's the dohl prep going? I think I'm a few months behind you. I'm in the process of making dohl go-ims and let me tell you... not fun. I think i've burned myself 100,0000000x times. :P

  2. @Grace i can't wait to see your dolgoims!! i heard how time consuming it is to make them and how many burns you get from the glue gun so I am not even going to attempt it heehee!! I'm trying to make a tissue paper wreath instead for a focal point but it looks pretty labor-intensive too! not looking forward to it! I can't wait to see pics of noah, it's been MONTHS since I've seen any, I bet he is a super cutie!!
