Thursday, January 27, 2011

2011 trips

I've been so sluggish lately.  I'm sleepy throughout the day and have the hardest time getting out of bed in the morning.  It's probably because of the damn photobooks lol I'm getting about 4-5 hours of sleep each night and it doesn't help that hubby irritates me in the morning!  I've been asking him to watch J in the morning while I get an extra hour of sleep (J wakes up at 7:30ish) and I could totally tell he doesn't want to do it because he wants to go to the golf range and practice, so he'll wake me up for the dumbest things, like this morning he woke me up because he couldn't find any clean nipples for J's bottles.  SO WASH THEM!!! then he says he doesn't know how to sterilize them.  Are you kidding me?  You did this for the first 6 weeks of J's life when I was recovering from the birth/c-section, you've seen me sterilize his nipples in the steam bag for the past 8+ months.  ugh.  Not to mention that I had told him numerous times that J does not take a bottle in the morning, he eats a bottle of solids, which he even jotted down on his memo pad just 2 days ago when I had to repeat it to him over and over again.  *sigh*

Anyway,  last night hubby and I sat down to make some travel plans for this year.  We hardly traveled in 2010 since J joined the family, I think we took a few road trips and went to D.C. and LA and that was it.  We miss traveling and we figured that once baby #2 is conceived&born, we really won't be able to travel much until the kids are old enough to go to Disneyworld which is just a short road trip away anyway... so this year we are going to try to take a few more trips before all freedom is taken away from us with baby #2 LOL

So far we've come up with a few close destinations- Cancun, Chicago, Canada, & Boston.  We're also considering a spa weekend in Arizona and I'm secretly hoping we can go to Paris.  Surprisingly, Trip Advisor picked Paris as the #6 destination in the world for family-friendly vacations (Orlando is #1, no surprise there hehe).  I'd love to see the sights of Paris and maybe even venture into Italy as well, but the things that are holding me back are the fact that i don't enjoy french cuisine much, and i don't speak a lick of French HAHA!  But most likely we'll hit up Cancun first before the weather gets too hot. 


  1. ooh cancun!! since we loved it SO much the 1st time.. we want to go back very soon! you should definitely go~
    hm hmmm baby no.2 !!!!!!!! exciting! any plans or when? btw ill need all your rec's for baby stuff soon. not too soon. we. will. see ;)


  2. @carol i have the baby stuff in an excel file already! i hope you need it NEXT WEEK! LOL!!! i cant wait to see your minime!!!!!

  3. Ahh Paris... don't let the french cuisine part hold you back, there's plenty to eat. Crepes all day perhaps. ;-) In seriousness, I went to a brasserie one night and got myself chicken and fries. It was on the menu!

    Canada would be fun. :)
