Saturday, January 8, 2011

I must be getting old...

Today was day 4 since we've been back home from our trip and I'm still lifeless. It's taking me so long to bounce back, I think it's cuz I'm getting old! LOL I spent the whole day napping with J... we woke up at 7pm! O.o

As for J, I could clearly see that he's grown so much mentally since the trip. He's doing a lot of things that he's never done prior to the trip like digging through everything, going to his toy basket to pick out what he wants to play with, keeping himself entertained for hours, being more verbal of his needs and wants, showing lots of excitement when he sees food, etc. The best part is that he naps anywhere now, which he didn't do before. He only napped in his crib, he couldn't even fall asleep in my arms no matter how tired he was. It used to be crib or nothing. But during our stay in LA, we were seriously driving from point a to b all day long to meet people that he had no choice but to sleep wherever- in another baby's pack n play (he never napped in his own pack n play before), on the floor of great-grandma's house, in mommy's arms, in daddy's arms, in the car, etc. He used to sleep all the time in his carseat even prior to the trip but when I would park the car, he'd wake up (and drive me crazy for the next 3 hours!) but now he doesn't wake up when I try to get him out of the carseat, he'll just lay his head on my shoulder and continue his naps. I'm totally loving it!

Yesterday he even napped in the Costco cart!

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