Friday, January 28, 2011

Toys @ 9+ months

I don't buy jaden a lot of toys because I always try to minimize clutter as much as possible and babies usually only play with toys for a short period of time before they tire of them.  Here are some toys that J always plays with and some of these he's been playing with them for months!  

  Fisher Price Animals Animals Spinning Around Musical Zoo (What a freakishly long name! lol)
We received this as a xmas gift from one of our neighbors.  I didn't think J would like it because it's really a simple toy and he's more into pressing a lot of buttons and picking things up and dropping them.  To my surprise, he is always playing with this thing!  He's not too fascinated with the spinning action, but he loves chew/suck on the penguin's head and also play with the other animals.  Sometimes he'll try to touch the birds, but it seems like the tiger and alligator are invisible to my son.  He also loves pressing the red buttons to get the music to go again. 

Yookidoo Crawl and Go
I paid $30 for this and it's $17something right now on Amazon so I totally feel like I got ripped off.  meh.  I bought this when J was 7 months old out of frustration that he wasn't crawling, I thought maybe this will motivate him.  It didn't.  He had no interest in this thing until he was actually able to crawl on his own at 8 months.  He loves pressing the snail's tail to make it go, then he watches the wheels like a hawk because the black things that look like eyes amuse him.  The round thing on top of the snail comes off and also unscrews from the top with the orange guy peeking out.  The orange guy squeaks if you press his head and each thing below the head are invidual toys/parts that the baby can play with and one of them is a rattle.  Jaden loves playing with everything on this toy, even chomps on the snail's feelers and I really like that the music is not annoying like other toys, it's actually a really cute snail-like music. 

Fisher Price Musical Table (green only sold @ Toys R Us)
I have mixed feelings about this one.  Jaden LOVES it, he's always playing with it throughout the day.  However, I think it's poorly made because they break SO easily!  The first one broke after 3 weeks.  The second one broke after only 2 weeks.  And now we're on our 3rd musical table, it's been only a few days (like 4?) and earlier tonight when I turned it on for J on the highest volume I heard it get stuck again and make static noises.. so bummed!  I guess I'll have to return it for a new one again. If they're charging $45 or whatever for it, I expect it to last a lot longer than 4days-3weeks.  The only reason I bother getting them again and again is because J loves it so much.

Green Toys Stacker
Another one of J's favorite toys.  He's had this since he was 4 months old and he still loves playing with it at 10 months!  Maybe I shouldn't say "play"... He can't stack them or anything and doesn't find a lot of interest in knocking it down when I stack them for him, but he does love chomping on them ^^

Sophie the Giraffe

She's been a favorite since the day we got her.

I'm thinking of getting J a few more toys, maybe something from Melissa&Doug and a bath tub toy (Yookidoo has a bunch of really cute ones!) but he loves playing with everyday items a lot more.  He LOVE LOVE LOVES my laptop, I think he totally tries to mimick me because he'll stand in front of the laptop and start pressing the keys with both of his hands like how I type on my laptop.  He also has a thing for closing doors.  He'll go to any open door in the house and spend 10-20 minutes just sitting there opening and closing (not all the way so that he can still open the door again) the door.  He also loves pulling DVDs off of the shelf, pulling kleenex out of its box, and playing with the remote that controls the ceiling fan speeds and lights, he'll turn on the lights and stare at the light in awe, then if he presses the ceiling fan button, he'll stare at the ceiling fan spin round and round for a while.  His absolute fave thing to do lately is open and close cabinet doors in the kitchen.  ^^

Oh, I almost forgot... J's absolute favorite toy:
Vtech Preschool Learning Alphabet Apple
I bought him this 2  months ago because he developed some kind of an obsession with pressing the keys on my laptop.  I think this toy is for like ages 3 and up or something, but I wanted to get J a toy that had a lot buttons he could press just like my laptop.  I tried having him play with one of those kiddie laptop toys but he didn't care for it but played with this non-stop at the store.  It's pretty loud even if you set it on the lowest volume setting and can get kind of annoying, but it has so many different features and plays tons of different music as well.  J loves to press all the buttons and pick it up by the leaf handle and drop it on the floor over and over again and so far, no malfunctioning!

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