Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Jaden is hitting so many milestones within such a short period of time, it's so exciting but I'm a little sad at the same time to see him grow up sooo fast!

Up until he was 8 months old he couldn't even crawl. I was actually very concerned because other babies I knew were crawling at 6-7 months! One time my MIL told us over the phone that a friend's grandson who is a month younger than J could crawl and I got really teary-eyed because I felt like I was doing something wrong which was making Jaden not develop at the same level as other babies. He was doing the yoga pose for the longest time, which I guess is something that babies do just before they learn to crawl. We kept thinking, okay he'll crawl by the end of this week, any day now, he's always doing the yoga pose! But he did the yoga pose for over a month before he actually crawled. And his first crawl happened when he had a mean diaper rash and when I tried to wipe him, he flipped over and ran (crawled) away from me crying! lol

Ever since that time he started crawling (it was around 8 months, 2 weeks) he seems to be super mobile and developing so rapidly. About a week after he started crawling, he started to pull himself up  started cruising as well! He's 9.5 months now and today he stood on his own!! I was on the phone with skippee discussing what favors I was thinking of doing for J's party and I started yelling, "omg! J's standing!! he's standing!!!" LOL I was so surprised!! He came over to me because I was holding a toy and he grabbed it out of my hand and just stood there standing in the middle of his playmat for a good 10 seconds just looking at the toy. So exciting!

I've also started brushing J's 4 teeth, yes, all four of them keke. He hated it the first time I brushed him, but now he'll open his mouth just enough to let me slide the toothbrush in his mouth and scrub scrub scrub his tiny little teeth to my heart's content :)

He also gets super excited when he sees food. REALLY REALLY super duper excited.

Pics from today:

My brother bought J 2 sets of baby jail!! A true life saver! I could get so much more done now!

laundry fun!!

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