Tuesday, January 11, 2011

omg! so funny!!

Jaden and I were sitting on the living room floor when hubby comes out from our room and takes his shirt off because he says there's something on his back that he wants me to take a look at. I get up and sit on the couch and hubby sits below me on the floor so I can take a look at his back and Jaden crawls over to hubby, stares at hubby's nipples for quite a while as if to study them or to think to himself "hmmm I've seen those somewhere before... I wonder if they do what mommy's does.. hm...", like he seriously stares and studies them and out of nowhere J dove straight onto them, mouth open wide, to have himself a little snack! LOL Hubby freaked out and we were all laughing cuz it was so funny! I'll never forget the look on J's face studying them. It was like a lightbulb went off in his head, like, "let's see!!" before diving straight for them ha ha!! okay, u just had to be there!


  1. hahaha that's hilarious! when J gets older you can use it to make fun of him..."one time you were little you tried to get milk out of your dad's nipples" haha

  2. hahahaha! All my friends bottle fed so I've never heard this kind of thing happen but it's hilarious!

  3. puahahha!!!! N looks at hubby's nipples and gives them a good twist. haha
