Thursday, January 13, 2011

Her Garden

My aunt is one of the most talented home decorators I know and she's not even a professional!  She does this purely as a hobby as she loves beautifying her home.  She invited us over during our LA trip and cooked us a feast which was so yummy, what wowed us even more was her backyard, which she designed and planned herself!  She said she went to buy the rocks herself too and laid them out on her own as well as planting all her greenery herself as well.  Here are a few pics I took.  I regret that I don't own a wide angle lens or even bringing along my zoom lens for that matter because I couldn't take an overview shot of the lot which is just gorgeous.


She grows her own veggies!  How awesome is that?!

If I ever move back to socal, I know who to call to landscape my backyard! :)  I'd love to grow my own strawberries!

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