Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Exposed & lately...

I think I'm just so used to being on friends lock on xanga that now that I'm using blogger, I feel so EXPOSED~ I know blogspot has a friends lock type of privacy setting but I know like... 2 people who are on blogspot LOL!!


lately I've been feeling like I'm just all over the place, and I probably really am >.<  It took me over 2 weeks to unpack from our LA trip (and we only had one suitcase!), and as soon as I started to take a dab at finishing up the dohl plans and working on my first DIY project, I realized that my groupons for blurb.com are going to expire in the beginning of February.  I purchased 4 groupons thinking I could probably combine all of them in one order but then found out that I could only use one coupon per order, so in the end in order for me to utilize all of my groupons, I would need to make 4 books and pay for each book separately in a single order.  (Am I making any sense?)  So anyway, that left me a little over 3 weeks to make 4 photobooks, and if you've ever made one of these books before, it takes a lot of time to pick the photos and work on the layouts.  Hubby thought it was funny and a blessing in disguise because I'd been putting off making these photo books for like 3 yrs now LOL!! I'm such a procrastinator and he knows that had I not had this deadline with the groupon discount, I'd never make the books.  This is resulting in a lot of sleepless nights, staying up til 3am, 4am, 5am (depending on the day) to work on these books.  So far I completed 2006-2007, 2008, and working on 2009... I just have to add the pics from our babymoon but my goodness it's taking me DAYS to pick the pictures because I probably took 3 million pictures on 3 different cameras!! Our friends who met up with us in Barcelona also have a ton of pictures of all of us together, pics of just me and hubby, etc but I am not even going to bother asking them for copies.. I've already got so many pictures to deal with, I think we're okay ;)

J's dohl is coming up in less than 2 months and I still only have the venue and photographer set.  It's really tough trying to plan such a big party remotely.. After considering my budget, time, and my limitations on executing everything since we land in LA just 2 days before the party, I've narrowed down the elements of the party- the DIY projects, but it's tough getting started.  I have to rely heavily on the internet for my research and buying my supplies.. this is especially tough when I want to buy things for the party by only seeing the product picture on websites and honestly, I won't be all that surprised come party day and none of the items I bought and shipped to my in-law's house are not to scale with one another.  So before I buy ANYTHING I just keep going back and forth about it in my mind over and over again because I wouldn't be able to check the product upon receiving it and/or have ample time to return/exchange things since I'm getting everything shipped to my in-law's house. 

Other moms have also said to get a head start on DIY projects or you will be up all night making them the last month before the party... I totally know what they mean!! But I also think that regardless of getting a head start, you're going to have to stay up in the night making everything anyway.  I've tried making flag banners (super simple, right?) in the daytime and J was ALL UP IN MY FACE and in all of my papers, scraps, etc.  It was just impossible and I ended up having to finish it after he was down for the night.

Health-wise, I started walking at night after I put J down.  Last month when we signed up for life insurance we had blood work done and overall we are healthy and fine, but I really want to get my cholesterol down.  It's still in the normal range, but it's higher up than I'd like, so I'm on a mission to get it down and up my good cholesterol along with it by doing my cardio.  I've walked for 3 days now and every time I realize how much I hate cardio LOL!! It's just so boring!  Aside from it being boring, though, I sort of do enjoy having that time all to myself.. no baby, no hubby, no dogs. 

Okay now.. back to the photobooks!!!

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