Friday, January 14, 2011

I love dumplings

I love dumpling soup.  I Love.... did you hear me?  I LOOOVVVVVE dumpling soup (Mandooguk).  It's always been one of my absolute favorite Korean dishes.  I'm not such a fan of ddukgook, though, the rice ovalettes are not a fave of mine unless cooked to a perfect consistency, so come New Years, per Korean tradition, we have the dduk manduguk but I have mine with as little rice ovalette slices as possible.  Anyway, the above pic is of the rice cake dumpling soup my MIL cooked for us the day after New Year's. 

On New Year's Day we all went to Jaden's great grandparents' for brunch where she served up a very different kind of soup than the clear broth like pictured above... great grandma's soup tasted kind of like yookgaejang- had a bit of a spicy kick to it and she puts in a lot of the beef slices.

We got to great grandma's just in time for lunch and I got to help make the remainder of the dumplings.

Someone else's dumplings:

My dumplings:

I think I kind of rock in dumpling-making! hehe!!


  1. Your dumplings look good! What kind of filling do you have in there? Perhaps post the recipe? :D

  2. @freesia- the filling for these were made by my hubby's grandma, i think it had diced kimchi, ground pork, tofu, diced green onions, garlic, and other seasonings. I recently made a huge batch of dumplings myself but I used a mix of ground chicken and beef (i wanted to do ground pork but they don't sell them in my area!!), added leek (buchu), tofu, diced vermicelli noodles, 1 egg, garlic, pepper, oyster sauce. they came out pretty good! i don't have a recipe with measurements, though, i just eyeballed everything.
