Friday, January 14, 2011


Last Sunday we headed over to Ft. Lauderdale for lunch.  My friend had bought me a gift certificate to a bar&grill in the Old Fort Lauderdale district which was about to expire and I didn't want it to go to waste.  Unfortunately, they really are more of a bar than anything else and was not open for lunch!  So we decided to have lunch next door at this place called ROK:BRGR which looked really dark inside and hip!

They had such a cool menu that was made of super thick leather.

J bored waiting for our food and hubby having himself a little beer fun.

Our food!  We both ordered our burgers well-done and they said it would take up to 20 minutes for it to be fully cooked because their patties are so thick!  Their burgers were HUGE, it wouldnt even fit in my mouth after I had smashed it down as flat as I could get it with my hands.

Look at those onion rings!  They were almost as big as the ginormous burger and sooooo yummy!!!

Byebye, ROK:BRGR, we'll be back for your artery-clogging yummy goodness!! ^__^

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